Membership Geeks

Membership Tips & Advice

Should Membership Trial Periods be Free or Paid?

Should membership trial periods be free or paid? 

This is one of the biggest questions we get asked when it comes to offering trials…

It’s natural for some to think that a paid trial would scare some potential new members away…

And in some cases it does…

But that’s not always a bad thing!  

Free trials on the other hand are often the most attractive option for membership owners and participants alike…

But does that mean it’s the right move for you? 

If you’ve been considering offering a trial for your membership…

Or you’ve attempted a trial and aren’t sure if you picked the right option after not getting the results you’s hoped for…

Then read on as we explore both free and paid trails in detail to help you decide which one is best for your membership…

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How Much Content Do You Need to Launch Your Membership?

The launch of a new membership site can be a nerve-wracking time, and adding to that anxiety is the question of whether you have enough content to open your doors.

Is there a set amount of content that a membership site needs to have before you release it to the public? What content should you be creating and how do you know when to say “when”?

In this episode of The Membership Guys Podcast I tackle this question, and provide my top tips for approaching content creation as you gear up for launch.

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Should You Launch a Membership Site Without First Building an Audience?

If a membership site launches with no audience to notice, has it truly launched?

In this episode we answer the much asked question of whether it’s possible – or advisable – to launch a membership site when you do not have an audience.

I also discuss why audience building is particularly important for membership website owners, as well as my top tips for how you can get started on building an audience for your membership, fast.

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Why Membership Site Owners Should Attend Conferences

Conference season is upon us!

For some that means cramming into a drab hall in a hotel out in the middle of nowhere, listening to long-in-the-tooth experts drone on for hours on end.

For others, it’s a chance to take time away, fly to somewhere sunny and fill your brain in between running up a huge bar bill on company expenses.

Whichever end of the scale you land on; conferences represent plenty of opportunities for anyone running a membership website…

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Chris Ducker on How Writing a Book Can Help Membership Site Owners

Have you ever thought about writing a book?

Perhaps you already have?

Being a published author can be a huge feather in the cap for anyone running a membership site – particularly one which is based around a personal brand, where you’re the expert or thought leader.

Chris Ducker knows just how powerful writing a book can be for membership owners.

His first best-selling book Virtual Freedom played a huge part in laying the foundations for what has now become his Youpreneur community.

And it’s that very community that has since fuelled his brand new book ‘Rise Of The Youpreneur.’

To celebrate its release, I invited Chris back on the show to discuss how the book factors into the growth of his membership site, and the how being a membership owner has affected the process of writing a book.

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How to Generate New Ideas for Membership Content

Your membership content comprises a large part of the ongoing value your site offers.

But how do you keep momentum going once the ideas and inspiration for what content to create start to run dry?

In this episode of The Membership Guys Podcast, I discuss a few effective ways to generate a continuous stream of awesome ideas for fresh membership content.

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7 Ways To Make More Money With Your Membership (And 3 Things To Avoid)

If you’re trying to make more money from your membership business there are two main ways you can go.

One is to try to increase revenue from your existing membership site – and the other is to look at opportunities for offering additional products and services to your customers.

In this episode of The Membership Guys Podcast, I explore the 7 main options worth exploring – along with the 3 avenues you absolutely should NOT go down…

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Dealing with Failed Payments in Your Membership Site

Failed payments are often the unspoken bane of the membership site owners life and for some membership sites involuntary churn (churn from issues such as failed payments rather than direct cancellations) can have a huge impact on growth.  

But the good news is that being prepared for failed payments and having processes in place to deal with them when they occur can greatly reduce the impact that they have on your membership site.

So in today’s post we’re going to take a look at how to deal with failed payments as well as how to prevent them in the first place.

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Are You Undercharging For Your Membership Site? Probably Not…

How do you know if you’re undercharging for your membership website? 

This question is one that regularly comes up in our Academy and Facebook communities…

And that’s because pricing itself doesn’t always make sense…

How do you know if you’re undercharging for your membership website? 

This question is one that regularly comes up in our Academy and Facebook communities…

And that’s because pricing itself doesn’t always make sense…

Especially when it comes to memberships…

Because it’s not an exact science where you punch some numbers into a machine and it spits out the perfect price…

There are a lot of subconscious elements to take into consideration….

Things like perception, positioning and so on…

And with so many factors in play, it’s no wonder that you can be left questioning whether or not you’re pricing your membership right.

While you aren’t likely to stumble upon a one-size-fits-all solution for this dilemma…

There are some typical price ranges for membership sites.

As a rule of thumb, memberships that serve a business-to-business market typically fall between $30-60 per month…

While for business-to-customer markets, it’s usually between $15-40 per month.

If your membership falls on the lower end of those ranges, then you’re justified in thinking that you’re potentially undercharging…

But if you’re in the mid to higher level of the typical price range and think you’re not charging enough, then it’s wise to ask yourself one vital question:

Why do you think you’re undercharging?

Let’s explore this in more detail…

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You Need To Prioritize These 8 Things in Order to Grow Your Membership

What things do you need to prioritize to grow your membership?

Let’s assume you’ve got off to a good start and laid the best foundation you could muster.

Naturally, you’ll sense that now it’s time to take things to the next level… 

But here’s one thing to keep in mind…

It’s not simply about growing, you’ve got to grow in the right direction.

Sure, there’s no a+b=c type formula to rely on, but there are a few things you can do to help you get where you need to be.

So, are you ready to beef up your membership in the best way possible?

Here are eight things you can do…

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6 Compelling Reasons To Start A Membership Website

Anyone who has followed us for a while will probably know that we tend to put more effort into talking people out of starting a membership than we do to trying to convince people they should start one.

Simple reason is that there are countless snake oil salesman out there portraying memberships as something they’re not. We try to save people from that.

In fact we kicked off last year with a show all about the reasons NOT to start a membership!

However, today’s episode of The Membership Guys Podcast breaks from our norm as we take a look at some of the most compelling reasons you should consider starting a membership website.

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Implementing a Consistent Strategy for Marketing Your Membership

When it comes to marketing your membership, not everything is about finding that killer sales funnel or running huge promotions.

More often than not, membership success comes from maintaining a consistent baseline of day to day activity – it’s about doing the “little and often” things that keep you top of mind for your audience.

This episode of The Membership Guys Podcast digs into the strategy we use for keeping up this consistent strategy, and explores the sort of tactics you should be using to market your membership.

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Enrol in the #1 training community for membership owners and get the essential advice & support you need to plan, launch & grow a profitable, meaningful membership.

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