Podcasts have made a significant resurgence in recent years, having never quite hit their full potential back when they first became “a thing” in the mid-2000’s.
This growing popularity, coupled with it being easier than ever to start your own podcast, makes for a great opportunity for membership site owners to really get ahead by incorporating podcasting into the content marketing strategy.
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We made it! 100 episodes!
To celebrate our centennial, I invited 16 fellow membership site owners to share insights, experience and advice from their journey so far.
I asked my guests to answer 3 questions:
– What’s the one piece of advice you’d give anyone starting a new membership?
– What impact has having a membership site had on your life or your business?
– What would you do differently if you were starting your own site again from scratch?
The answers they shared are packed with golden nuggets for anyone planning or running a membership website.
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Content is the lifeblood of most membership websites.
However creating a successful membership requires more than just throwing together any old content and haphazardly dumping it behind a paywall.
You need a content strategy that works for you and for your members.
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There’s always an element of risk for prospective members when they consider joining your site…
How will they know if it’s the right fit for them?
The truth is they won’t until they login and take a look around.
But what if there was a way to give them some extra protection that might incentivize them to press that ‘buy’ button and find out for themselves?
Money-back guarantees can do that…
They’re a simple and effective feature you can add to your membership that will work in favor of both you and your members.
Here’s how…
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Offering users a free trial of your membership is a very effective way to increase your sales…
And engineer what Jay Abraham refers to as “risk reversal”…
Meaning you can prove that your membership delivers on your promises without any risk to the end user.
Offering a trial can move someone from feeling like they’re not quite ready to sign up to your membership…
To taking a test drive of your site…
It gets them over the hurdle of signing up and into the habit of logging into your website, consuming your content, and getting exposure to the quality and value of your membership.
Sounds good doesn’t?…
Especially when there’s no risk for them!
Once they’re engaging in your site, it’s often easier to convert them to paying members.
So we’ve covered the basics of trial periods and risk reversal before…
But now it’s time to share more advanced tips and tactics for offering an effective membership trial that not only attracts more people to your site…
But makes them want to stick around as paying members once the trial period is over.
So let’s dive in…
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A membership launch isn’t as “do or die” as with other types of products such as online courses, software or services.
But getting your launch right is important for giving you the initial influx of members that will help you to build momentum within your membership site.
In this episode I talk about how to ensure your membership launch is successful.
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Amy Porterfield is one of my absolute favorite people in the online business space, and she always provides such value in helping people wrap their heads around online marketing.
So I was thrilled to recently have the chance to chat to her specifically about using webinars to market and grow your membership.
Amy uses webinars in a big way to promote her business, so I knew she would have a lot of practical tips and advice to share.
Check out the 6 top tips Amy shared about growing your membership with webinars:
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The right idea can make or break a membership website.
Far too often, people steamroll ahead into worrying about which membership plugin they’re going to use or how much content they need without actually doing the research necessary to make sure you’re on the right track.
But how do you know if your idea is a winner?
In this episode of The Membership Guys Podcast, I take you step by step through the process of choosing, research and validating your membership idea.
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Facebook Live is one of the most popular marketing channels there is right now – whether you want to grow your audience, become more visible or increase sales.
Membership owners who don’t embrace live video risk losing out, as it gains more and more popularity and becomes a preferred content type of Facebook’s ever changing algorithms.
So, if you want to raise your game, increase your authority, deepen the connection and relationship with your audience and attract more members, Facebook Live is an avenue you want to be using.
In this article we take a look at 5 different ways you can use Facebook Live as a membership site owner, in order to achieve the best results.
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In many ways, launching a new membership website is one of the biggest marketing opportunities you’ll experience as a membership owner.
So it makes sense why some people may advocate for constantly closing and re-opening your membership in order to recapture that opportunity over and over again.
But it’s not quite as simple as that.
In this episode, I cut through the hype and talk about why I strongly dislike “closed door” marketing tactics and why it might not be the best thing for your membership strategy.
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There’s a lot to deal with as a membership site owner…
From the day-to-day operations of engaging with members and handling customer service to creating content, marketing and navigating tech…
And that’s on top of strategizing and planning for the growth of the membership…
It all falls on you.
So it’s no wonder many of us struggle to stay motivated from time to time.
Especially if you’ve had a bad day…
Maybe sales have dropped or you’ve had to deal with a problem member inside your community…
Or you could be trying to juggle managing your membership site alongside agency work for clients or holding down a regular 9 to 5 job.
While being a membership site owner is the best job in the world, it can also be tough.
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Like it or not, your members won’t stick around forever, losing members is just part and parcel of operating a membership site. However there’s plenty that you can do to make sure that you’re not losing members for the wrong reasons…
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Getting someone to join your membership site is great, but it’s just the beginning.
Before you have time to celebrate, you really need to figure out how you are going to get that member to stay month after month, year after year.
Hanging on to your paying members is crucial to the long term success of your membership site; so you need to make sure that you have a strategy for keeping members engaged.
In this episode of The Membership Guys Podcast, I dig into how to craft your member experience in order to develop the habits and interaction that will keep members engaged and subscribed for longer.
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Great memberships are never truly finished.
That’s actually one of the best things about the membership site model. If you are writing a book, creating a course, programming your piece of software; then there’s a lot of pressure to have a polished completed end product.
But with a membership site, some of that pressure is off because people understand that they are boarding a moving train. That when they join a membership, it’s going to change, it’s going to evolve and that as members they could be a part of shaping it’s future.
In this episode of The Membership Guys Podcast, I look further into why embracing change is key to the long term success of your membership site, and give examples of how adapting over time has played a role in the progress of 6 and 7 figure memberships.
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Member retention is key to the long term success of a membership website; however if you offer both monthly and annual billing people often end up so focused on keeping monthly subscribers that they take annual renewals for granted.
Or worse – they assume people joining on annual plans aren’t likely to stick around beyond their first year, so they don’t even try to retain them.
In this episode of The Membership Guys Podcast we’re focusing on how to handle annual renewals in order to increase the chance of members sticking around for years to come.
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As founder of the Female Entrepreneur Association, Carrie Green credits investing in personal development and conditioning herself for success as the keys to having the right mindset to grow her membership to over 4,000 members.
In this interview, we discuss how FEA came to be and the challenges Carrie faced along the way; and we also dig deeper into the strategies Carrie uses to keep members happy and continue growing her membership.
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