Membership Geeks

Membership Tips & Advice

8 Simple Ways to Add a Personal Touch to your Membership

The one-to-many aspect of the membership model is one of it’s greatest benefits.

Being able to serve your audience on a larger scale is what attracts a lot of membership owners to this type of business – however it does come at a cost.

The larger your membership grows, the less able you are to create a more personal connection with individual members, and that can be unsatisfying for both them and you.

However there are still ways you can add a personal touch to your membership, even with hundreds and thousands of members to serve, and in this episode I talk about 8 of the best ways to do that.

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How To Avoid Your Membership Becoming a Burden

Creating a membership is an exciting time… 

The creative juices are flowing…

The sense of accomplishment from launching something new is exhilarating…

And there’s an undeniable buzz you get with every new member who joins!

But how do you feel months or years down the line?… 

Does your membership still motivate you?

Or is it starting to feel like a chore?

Let’s face it, sometimes things don’t work out as nice and rosy as you imagine them to be!

But, when you’ve got a membership site to run, you have an obligation to keep it going, especially if people have paid for yearly access!

So, what can you do to prevent your membership from feeling like a burden?…

Let’s find out…

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Behind The Membership: Art Revenue Coaching

In this episode of Behind The Membership, artist, Josie Lewis, chats to Callie to reveal how she attracted over 800 members during her very first launch of the Art Revenue Coaching membership. 

Josie shares how pivoting her existing audience helped her to double her email list and validate her membership idea…

Plus, she discusses the one thing she will do differently when her membership doors reopen. 

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7 Ways to Get New Members Once Your Membership Launch is Done

In many ways your membership launch is some of the easiest marketing you’ll ever do.

Bringing something fresh to market almost automatically attracts curiosity and attention, and the timely nature of your launch coupled with the urgency from deadlines given to typical launch offers and promotions helps to generate a lot of buzz.

However what happens once your launch is over and the hype dies down. How do you make sure you continue to attract new members?

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Top Takeaways from the Online Membership Industry Report 2022

Do you know what the average churn rate is for a typical online membership?

How about revenue benchmarks?

Average conversion rates?

What about the most popular tech solutions? Or the most effective marketing channels?

Truth is, there’s very little reliable data available about the online membership industry.

That’s because this market is relatively tiny.

It’s a niche, of a niche, of a niche.

What data we do have tends to come from either the broader subscription industry, or from membership associations.

Neither of which reflect the online membership world.

A few years ago we made it our on a mission to change that by conducting a survey of thousands of membership owners designed to shine a light on the real data and benchmarks for the online membership industry.

And now it’s time for an update…

We’ve spent the past fews months tapping into our audience of tens of thousands of membership business owners to identify how they’re performing, what challenges they’re facing and which benchmarks and trends are prevalent.

And we’ve compiled those results into the Online Membership Industry Report 2022

In today’s episode of the Membership Geeks Podcast, I’m sharing some of my top observations, takeaways, trends and other interesting tidbits and insights taken from this year’s report.

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How to Create an Extraordinary Member Experience

Imagine this. Your members are fully engaged with your content in your membership site, attending your live calls, talking to one another in your forum…

And most importantly reaping the rewards of being part of your community by achieving awesome results…

That’s the dream, right? 

Believe it or not, this dream can become a reality….

And it all starts with you delivering an extraordinary member experience.

Doing so will not only create loyal and engaged members, it will also turn those members into advocates…

And as we always say, happy members are your absolute best marketing asset!

So what can you do to achieve this? Let’s find out… 

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Behind The Membership: Creative Crafting Club

Christelle Janse van Rensburg, Co-Founder of the Creative Crafting Club, is a membership owner whose journey has been a little different from most.

She started off with a franchise model for in-person kids craft clubs in South Africa.

But when the pandemic shut everything down, Christelle and her sister/Co-Founder, Stefanie, were forced to find an online alternative to keep their business going.

Step forward the membership model… 

Since launching their membership Christelle and Stefanie’s lives have changed in the best possible ways.

Not only do they love what they do, but they’ve managed to build a thriving community and find a work-life balance that’s right for them, all while growing their membership numbers by 10x in the last year alone.

So how did they do this?

Let’s go Behind The Membership to hear from Christelle herself…

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How to Stand Out as the Go-To Expert on your Membership Topic

You know your membership topic inside out, so potential members should instantly want to sign up to your site, right?

Unfortunately it doesn’t work like that…

You need to lay some groundwork first so that potential members know exactly what they’re signing up for.

And part of that is building trust…

Trust that you know what you’re talking about and can help them solve a particular problem that they’re facing…

In other words, they need to be sure that you’re the expert that can help them…  

And that’s not always an easy thing to do, especially if you’re new to your industry or operate in a competitive market.  

So how can you stand out as the go-to expert on your membership topic?

Let’s find out…

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5 Biggest Risks Facing Membership Site Owners Right Now

Running a membership website can be one of the most rewarding experiences…

You become recognized as an authority within your niche, build a loyal community, and a successful business in the process… 

But what people don’t tend to talk about are the potential pitfalls that you need to avoid…

And there are a few of them!

As anyone running an online business – or any business in fact – will tell you…

There are risks that will pop up at lots of different stages of your entrepreneurial journey…

Knowing what these risks are…

And, more importantly how to avoid them, can be really useful.

With that in mind, let’s explore five of the biggest risks facing membership owners right now…

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Top Tips for Researching a Membership Plugin or Platform

Are you currently wondering what membership plugin or platform you should use for your site? 

Finding the right software solution to fit in with your vision for your site can be a challenge…

Not only are there are a lot of options on the market when it comes to tech…

But there are also many conflicting recommendations on what you should choose that it can fast become an overwhelming decision to make. 

And while we all want to find the perfect plugin for our site (if there is such a thing), it can be easy to get derailed and make some bad decisions.

Well we’re here to make sure you don’t do that!   

Here are some top tips to keep in mind when researching a membership plugin or platform… 

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Behind The Membership: IT Rockstars

With so many memberships out there, standing out from the crowd takes a bit more elbow grease these days.

However, IT professional and Author Scott Millar has managed to put quite the unique spin on his.

He’s the founder of IT Rockstars, a membership that helps IT companies to transform their marketing…

Join us as we go Behind The Membership with Scott to hear more about his journey, including why he decided to cap the number of members per location, what made him decide to pivot his membership, the awesome onboarding process he has to help retain members… 

Plus how he manages to successfully run his membership alongside a full-time job and having a young family.

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Avoid These Terrible Membership Cancellation Policies

Every membership owner wants to retain their members.

Obvious, right?!

But often the drive to hang on to every single member can result in you going down completely the wrong path when it comes to handling cancellations.

Making the cancellation process difficult or too harsh is certainly a way to leave a bad taste in members’ mouths!

Even if someone leaves your membership, they may still recommend your product to their friends and families.

And possibly come back one day themselves.

But not if you screw things up by having terrible cancellation processes like these…

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6 Ways to Breathe New Life into Older Membership Content

If you’ve been in the membership game for a few years, the chances are that some of the content you created early on in your journey is starting to age.

But does that mean it’s lost its value?

Not necessarily.

Sure, some information will eventually fall out of fashion or even become inaccurate…

But you’d be surprised at the number of people who have a lot of gold sitting at the bottom of their archives…

And that’s something you don’t want to go to waste!

You see, not every topic changes…

Some subjects you created content on years ago could still be relevant today…

So, rather than watching your library grow bigger by the day, maybe it’s time to revisit your older content and put it to good use…

You never know, you might even gain some new members while you’re at it!

Here are 6 things you can do… 

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Understanding the Customer Journey with Kenda Macdonald

Do you understand the buyer behaviour of your potential members? 

The journey they go through before making the decision to join your membership…

Believe it or not, understanding the psychology behind buyer behaviour will help you grow your membership… 

It will inform how you market to them, interact with them and ensure you give them exactly what they need at every stage of the buying process so they press the ‘join now’ button when they’re ready… 

So how can you get this right? 

We speak to Kenda Macdonald, CEO of Automation Ninjas, international keynote speaker, and author of the best-selling book, ‘Hack the Buyer Brain’, to talk about behavioural automation and how you can leverage it for your membership. 

Kenda has her own successful membership site, The Marketing Automation Academy, and is a forensic psychology major.

She explains that by learning how members make buying decisions, we can reverse engineer that journey to encourage signups…

Read on to hear what she has to say… 

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Behind The Membership: Baking For Business

Who doesn’t love a little bit of baking every now and again?

There’s nothing quite like sinking your teeth into a sweet piece of sponge cake or baking cookies for the entire family.

But what does it take to build and grow a baking business that stands out?

Amanda Schonberg is a chef, award winning baker and marketing enthusiast who is passionate about helping bakers to create a profitable and successful business.

She’s even built an entire Entrepreneur Community for baking enthusiasts who want to build a brand they can be proud of.

Like most things in life, launching and running a membership site hasn’t always been plain sailing for Amanda.

We got the opportunity to catch up with her and hear about the ins and outs of her journey to building her membership to the success it has become today.

Keep reading to find out more about Amanda’s delicious Entrepreneur Community and how she has helped fellow food entrepreneurs become the go-to baker in their communities…

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