Membership Geeks

Membership Tips & Advice

How Are You Celebrating Membership Day on Feb 28th?

Did you realise there isn’t an official day celebrating the wonderful world of memberships?

Heck, when ‘National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friends Day’ is an actual thing, I think us membership site owners deserve to have a day of our own!

So we’re leading the charge to make February 28th officially Membership Day.

And we’d like to encourage you to take part and use this day to celebrate your fantastic membership and the amazing people who are part of it.

Membership Day is all about helping to raise awareness of and celebrate online memberships:  the people who run them, the people who join them and everything in between.

As such, there’s no right or wrong way to celebrate it!

But if you’re feeling stuck for ideas, here’s 10 ways you could celebrate to get your creative juices flowing…

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10 Ways to Personalise and Tailor Your Member Experience

How can you personalise and tailor your member experience? 

This is something that many don’t even think is possible when it comes to memberships…

Especially when you can potentially have hundreds or thousands of members in a community…

How on earth can you tailor an experience for so many?

Yes memberships are a one-to-many business model…

But that doesn’t mean you can’t offer a personalised, memorable experience for your members.

In fact, it’s important that you do…

Because if the member has a more personalised experience, they’re more likely to extract the elements of your membership where they get the most value…

And this will help them achieve the outcome they aimed for when joining your site…

And make them want to stick around for a long time.

And that’s the goal, right? 

So how can you personalise and tailor your member experience? 

Let’s walk through 10 techniques…

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Behind The Membership: The Metalsmith Academy

Launching and building a successful brand isn’t easy…

We all know that… 

But pivoting an already successful business to a completely different model is even more difficult…

Especially in the midst of a global pandemic.

That’s what Lucy Walker, from Lucy Walker Jewellery and The Metalsmith Academy had to do in 2020. 

Realising the need to expand her business and navigate the ever-changing global restrictions of Covid-19, she transitioned from delivering in-person courses on jewellery making to launching her membership website.

And since then she hasn’t looked back.

But while she’s been hugely successful as a membership owner, the past twelve months haven’t been without their challenges. 

As we go Behind The Membership, I speak to Lucy to get some insight into how she braved the transition.

How she managed the highs and lows of life as a membership owner, the lessons she’s learned so far and everything else in-between. 

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Switching From Working with Clients to Running a Membership

Are you running your membership on the side while managing an existing client focused or service based business? 

Maybe you’re a web designer who still builds websites…

Or a music teacher dealing with private students… 

And to be quite frank, you’re feeling stuck… 

You want to make the transition from working with clients to running your membership full-time… 

But you’re not sure how to do it… 

Or even if the time is right to make the switch! 

We’ve been there… 

And completely understand that it’s a HUGE decision to make… 

So we’ve decided to help you out… 

Here are some tips on how to switch from working with clients to running your membership full-time… 

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New Year, New Brand: Say Hello To The Membership Geeks!

After 7 years we have a very sad announcement to make…

The Membership Guys are no more.

I know, I know… what a devastating way to start the New Year!

But the good news is that we’ve just undergone a little bit of a rebrand and henceforth shall be known as…

Membership Geeks!

This is a change that is several years in the making, so tune into today’s very special episode of the podcast to discover why we’ve rebranded, what it means going forward, and get the inside track on some of the exciting things we have planned for 2022 and beyond.

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10 Most Popular Episodes of The Membership Guys Podcast in 2021

Is it me or has 2021 been a bit of a blur?!

It’s definitely been another strange year as we’ve all tried to navigate life running a membership in the midst of a global pandemic…

That being said, with only a few days left of 2021, it’s time for our traditional end of year recap show.

Listen for our top 10 most popular episodes of The Membership Guys podcast in 2021. 

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Things You Quickly Learn in your First Year as a Membership Site Owner

As we come to the end of the year, this is the time when everyone tends to get a little bit thoughtful and reflective…

Looking back on what’s been achieved over the past 12 months and planning for the coming year.

For more established membership owners the year ahead might be fully mapped out so they know what to expect.

But for those new to the membership world, what lies ahead is largely unknown…

And a little bit scary! 

While we don’t have a crystal ball to tell you exactly what’s going to happen over the next 12 months…

We can try our best to prepare you for some of the things you’re likely to discover in your first year of running a membership site.

So if you’ve recently become a membership owner or are about to launch your website, read on…

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The Perils of Building Your Membership on Rented Land

Back in October 2021, all Facebook properties went down for five hours…

That meant no Facebook, no Messenger, Instagram, Workplace or WhatsApp… 

And the whole internet erupted into a panic.

While for most it was a minor inconvenience…

For those businesses relying on Facebook groups, social media marketing, or website access through Facebook logins, it was a stressful time.

Some membership owners had no access to their communities…

Members weren’t able to login into their subscription sites using their social accounts…

Scheduled live training sessions were cancelled…

It was a little bit chaotic to say the least! 

The outage itself may have only lasted a matter of hours…

But what it did for me was serve as a reminder of the risks of relying on a third-party platform for building any element of your business.

Or in other words, building your membership on rented land…

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6 Changes That Will Improve Your Membership’s Email Marketing Results

Are you using email marketing to drive member signups? 

If done correctly, a strong email strategy will increase the flow of people into your membership sales funnel, turning complete strangers into paying members.

In simple terms, they’ll come into your world, consume a free piece of content…

Maybe by reading your blog, listening to your podcast or downloading a lead magnet…   

And they’re left wanting more, so subscribe to your email list to receive regular updates from you.

And once they’re on your list, that’s when the hard work begins…  

Because it’s not enough to have these people simply reading your emails…

You want to inspire them to take action…

To press the ‘join here’ button your sales page and enter your membership community…

But how can you do this?  

Here are six ways to level up your email marketing efforts so you can convert more subscribers into paying members…

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4 Things You Can Do Today to Drive Membership Revenue

How would you like to make more money in your membership today?

It’s a no brainer, right? Of course you do. 

As membership owners, we’re naturally always looking at ways to increase revenue.

Most of the time this will include planning long-term sales and marketing strategies, but what about the here and now?

Good news!

There are tactics you can implement today to inject some additional revenue into your business…

And I’m here to share them with you.

Here are four things you can do today to drive membership revenue…

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KPI’s Every Membership Site Owner Should Be Tracking

Every successful membership site owner knows their numbers…

If you don’t know how your business is performing in key areas, then you have no basis for growth and making improvements…

Or any idea of whether or not your membership site is doing well or if it’s in trouble.

Worryingly, our Online Membership Industry Report revealed that 14% of membership site owners aren’t tracking their KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) at all…

And an even greater number only track a few key metrics! 

This needs to change… 

And we want to help make that happen… 

So if you’re currently not tracking metrics on your site… 

Or are measuring some, but are not sure if they’re the ones you should be focusing on… 

Here are the KPIs that you should be monitoring and measuring to ensure you have the finger on the pulse of your membership business: 

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6 Ways to Create Interest and Buzz for Your Membership Launch

A product launch is both an exhilarating and terrifying time, especially when you’re launching something brand new.

There’s a lot of anxiety that comes with it with constant questions springing to mind…

What if nobody buys?

What if too many people buy and your website goes down? 

What you can’t handle them all buying at once? 

A membership launch is no different.

But unlike some other products, a membership site doesn’t need to live or die based on a launch alone.

And while this takes some of the pressure off, you do still want your membership launch to be as successful as possible.

After all, the goal of any launch is to get as many people as possible aware of your product and, hopefully, purchasing.

For a membership site that means you want your first influx of members to give you some momentum to move forward with…

To get your community up and running, to get people engaging and consuming your content and giving you feedback that enables you to make your product even better…

Which in turn makes it easier for you to attract new members in the future.

But how do you ensure that your launch is a success?

Let’s explore six of our favorite tactics to create interest and buzz for your membership launch…

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Promoting Your Membership Using Social Media: A 12 Step Plan

Promoting your membership using social media has it’s challenges.

There’s a lot of noise to cut through…

So many platforms out there that we feel pressured to be active on daily…

Sometimes it’s hard to know what what to say to followers.

Or how to even begin building an audience.

And don’t even get us started on those pesky algorithms! 

While there’s no easy solution to conquering social media marketing, there are some steps you can take to build a solid foundation that will generate positive results for your membership business.

And we’re here to share them with you!

Here’s our 12 step plan for promoting your membership using social media.

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Tips and Techniques to Encourage Members to Consume Your Content

As membership owners, we put so much time, energy and resources into creating awesome content…

But how do we make sure members actually consume it?

Ideally, you want members to complete your courses, watch video tutorials, download materials and progress towards achieving their goals.

But sometimes, they need a little dose of inspiration or a reminder of the fantastic content you have to offer.

So how can you give members a little nudge in the right direction to consume your content?

Here are four simple tips and techniques you can adopt…

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5 Ways to Level Up Your New Member Experience

Ever heard the phrase “You only get one chance to create a good first impression?”

This is something you need to remember when welcoming new members into your site.

Because what happens in the initial days and weeks of someone becoming a member is crucial.

A great experience will encourage new members to engage in your community and consume your content…

But more than that it’ll also create a sense of belonging which will make them more likely to stick around for months and years to come.

You may already have an onboarding process that covers the necessary first steps of a member’s journey…

But how can you elevate that experience even more?

Here are five simple but effective ways to level up your new member experience…

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Should I Include All My Products and Content Inside My Membership?

Does every piece of content you create need to go inside your membership?

You might be thinking “well yes of course it does, my business is all about my membership”…

But what if you want to sell it as a standalone product?

This is something that’s come up a few times in Membership Academy and in our Facebook community…

And it’s a strange one… 

Because for some the answer is obvious…

Just to go ahead and create a standalone product…

But for others it’s a bit more complicated…

As creating separate products and content from your membership can sometimes cause a lot of confusion in your community…

And even result in some very disgruntled members…

So how can you navigate this? 

Let’s take a look…

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Launch & Grow with Membership Academy!

Enrol in the #1 training community for membership owners and get the essential advice & support you need to plan, launch & grow a profitable, meaningful membership.

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